Meet the mentors (Shae)

Meet your mentors!

Our Mentoring Service encompasses schemes such as our new Step Forward programme, and aims to give young people the help they need and deserve to move forward into employment.

"Back in school, I had always aspired to become a doctor but I was left sorely disappointed when I received my GCSE results and didn’t get the grade I needed in Science. At the time, this meant I couldn’t progress to study Biology at College and was forced to re-think my career goals.

I decided to follow my passion for Film and studied this at university. This lead me to a job in Marketing at The Mason Trust and after working there for some time, regularly visiting schools, I learnt that I really enjoyed working with young people. Eventually, an opportunity arose to work in Employment, directly supporting young people and I just had to go for it.

Although it’s good to have a plan, if things don’t go the way you had hoped, bear in mind that there are so many other options out there and who knows where one opportunity could take you? The journey is worth it!

- Shae, Mason Trust Employment Mentor 

> See our mentoring service page for more info.